Creative Arts skills, which are demonstrated in the way students combine ingredients into beautiful food, collecting and arranging flowers and herbs, the children create absolutely beautifully set tables for them to all sit and share their meal creation at the end of their kitchen class.
The children are also involved in variety of Garden Art classes run with the support of our talented volunteer parents, these classes go from creating visually beautiful garden tanks, scarecrows, garden sculpures and garden signage.
Science & Sustainability through experiments in cross pollination, ph soil testing, water management, plant cycles and plant diversity, soil health and the absolute avoidance of chemicals.
Mathemathics skills such as collecting and graphing data, scale drawing, measurement, calculation, estimation and comparison, which have real life application in the kitchen and garden context.
Garden and Kitchen Specialist
All Kitchen Garden Schools must establish the staff roles of Garden Specialist and Kitchen Specialist to enable the planning and delivery of garden and kitchen classes. Specialists have the appropriate knowledge and skills to plan and deliver relevant activities for their classes. Many are non-qualified but passionate gardeners or cooks with an interest in working with children; others are qualified teachers, chefs or horticulturalists.
Specialist employment is managed by each individual school.
Showing your support
You can get involved and show your support for pleasurable food education in many ways...
Volunteer at our school
Volunteers have been an integral part of building our Kitchen/Garden. They have so far assisted with all stages – from mucking in at working bees as the kitchens and gardens are built, sourcing local sponsorships and media coverage and assisting with the children in kitchen and garden classes.
Now that our program is up and running, volunteers are the stars of our show, assisting our Kitchen/Garden Specialist and working directly with the students.
Our volunteers work with small groups of four to five students within the garden or kitchen class. They help with the activities and encourage the children to participate. They act as role models for the children, and the experiences of the children are enriched by our volunteers who bring with them a diversity of ages, backgrounds and experiences.
Anyone wishing to volunteer would be very warmly welcomed, this is a wonderful program to be part of and the children are just delightful to be around.
Please contact the school for further information.
While our school has received funding from the Australian Government towards the building of our kitchen and garden infrastructure, we are always in need of further assistance to help us sustain this program from the community and local businesses. Donations of labour, goods or financial support are all gratefully received and can make a real difference to our school.
Bunnings Our Garden Partner
As a Kitchen Garden School we benefit enormously from community and business partnerships. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Bunning's for their constant support in sponsoring us with our gardens needs.